This year we decided to get little girl her own mini {3 ft.} tree when we saw them on clearance at Target {where else??} After setting it up in her room, I thought it would be fun to make a little tree skirt and I started to look at different tutorials on Pinterest. After some serious…
Our Picture Wall is Finally Finished!
As a little reminder, here’s where we started: after purchasing and spray painting my frames, I traced & numbered them all on newspaper and started laying them out… After getting everything hung, I decided it wasn’t quite right, and ended up deciding to redo it! Despite my reluctance to put even more holes in our poor wall,…
Inspiration Friday: Maps
Guys, I love maps. Like a lot I think it’s a genetic trait I inherited from my mother! Anywho, I love themes and decor that incorporate maps and would love to figure out a way to bring more of them into our home. Here’s some map themed spaces I’m lovin’: {1, 2, 3, 4,…
Inspiration Friday: Dream Home
It’s time for Inspiration Friday! A day late. Things have been crazy around here. We’ve started looking for our first home {yeay!} and that’s got me doing even more “Spring cleaning.” I definitely don’t want to be taking a buncha junk with us… especially if we can sell it While we search, we definitely have a…
DIY Canvas Coffee Art
This has to be one of the most drawn out projects I’ve ever worked on! All the way back in February, {yes February!}, I posted some pictures of my kitchen wall as well as a bunch of Photoshopped art ideas and asked you guys to help me decide what to do by voting on your…
Simple Throw Pillow Slipcover
I’ve been on the hunt for some cute, but cheap throw pillows for our couch for quite some time – why are they so hard to find!? Finally I decided I should just find cheap pillows in the size I wanted and then cover them with a fabric I like… I found these on a…
Vintage Coca-Cola Crate Spice Rack
To be perfectly honest, when I bought this vintage Coke crate a couple weeks ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it… maybe organizing paints… maybe displaying it somewhere… but it was just way to lovely to pass up! Then last Friday as I was baking something, and…
Book Page Canvases and Sole Hope
I posted a while back about being excited to get started on my kitchen wall art and showed a little preview of some of the supplies I got: After pondering how I wanted to give “texture” to the background of my canvases, I ended up deciding to cover them with book pages! Sorry Uncle Tom’s…
Picture Wall Progress: Laying It All Out
At the end of December I posted about finding & spray painting my 25 frames for the picture wall I wanted to create. Now I’m about half way through hanging my pictures & thought I’d share some of my progress To arrange my pictures I traced each one onto newspaper and then labeled each corresponding…
25 Frames: Spray Painting Cheap Frames for a Unified Picture Wall
I’ve decided that I want a picture wall. You know, the walls with a ridiculous amount of different sized frames all squished together? When I first started seeing these on the internet I strongly disliked them… I thought they looked so messy. Obviously now I have changed my mind :). Then I saw an example done…