This post has been sitting in my drafts a ridiculously long time… whoops! We went through a brief period a while back, where Hayden was having some tummy issues. One of the things I tried to relieve her issues was going dairy-free. During that time, I came up with these yummy Enchiladas! I don’t have…
Potato & Veggie Kielbasa
Wes gets all the credit for this one! He modified a recipe he found at TasteofHome and we’ve had it twice within the past couple of weeks! I’m seriously craving again as I type up this recipe to share with you all I’ve always been a fan of kielbasa, and combining it with the…
Gluten Free Simple Grilled Shrimp
These past few days have not been fun! This past weekend I felt a combination stomach ache/migraine coming on and by Monday night I had to go to bed pretty early. Today has been miserable, but my wonderful hubby actually took the afternoon off and watched little girl {who we’re pretty sure has what I have…
Honey Dijon Pork Chops
This past month we have really been slack-lackin’ in the recipe department! Wes got us back in the groove yesterday with his recipe for Wonderfully Moist Meatballs, and today I have another one to share! Wes loves pork and I love any recipe where I can break out the honey dijon, so it was like…
One of my favorite “quick & easy” meals is quesadillas and guacamole. However, the only gf guacamole I can seem to find is a little pricey, so I thought it was about time I learned to make it myself. I found {this} super simple & super yummy recipe at The Yankee Southern Belle Cooks and…
Gluten Free Banana Bread
[yumprint-recipe id=’10’] Pin for later –>
Gluten & Dairy Free Flat Bread
One of my favorite restaurants has this gluten free flat bread they bring out as an appetizer and it’s sooooo good. So lately I’ve been wanting to figure out my own flatbread recipe. This isn’t really like the restaurants – it’s more dense I would say – but it still turned out pretty good! After…
Pizza Hut Sauce (Copy-Cat) Recipe
When we first found out that Kate had to start eating gluten free, I began trying to replicate our favorite dishes without gluten from the restaurants we could no longer eat at anymore. One of the first restaurants that I set out to copy was Pizza Hut, because I love their pizza! What I particularly…
Honey Dijon [or BBQ] Chicken Strips
One of my favorite meals before being diagnosed with Celiac Disease was Chicken Strips with honey mustard sauce. After discovering some delicious Panko Style Bread Crumbs from Kinnikinnick, I knew I had to make some. Wes of course has his own obsession… with barbeque sauce, and he made his own twist to this recipe –…
Sweet Potato Chicken
At the beginning of the month we created several freezer meals in an attempt to help out with our budget & meal planning (as I mentioned in the recipe for Baked Ricotta Sausage Penne). Before sharing the recipes we used, I wanted to make sure they actually tasted good… if we’d use them again or…