Oh how I wish I had unlimited time and funds to make all of the delicious Christmas treats I’ve come across! It’s probably better for my family – and me – that I don’t :P. That doesn’t mean I can’t share some awesome ideas though! {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}
Inspiration Friday: Christmas Holiday Kids Crafts
Our little girl is really getting into the stage where she enjoys having activities. Helping mama cook, stickers, coloring – she enjoys having something fun to do! I doubt we can get to all the amazing activities I’ve come across, but these are some of my favorites! {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}
Inspiration Friday: Nursery Love
When I was pregnant with our first, I thought we should be really “smart” and go with a gender neutral theme for the nursery so we wouldn’t have to buy all new stuff for any future boy children. As it turns out, it looks like our next one is going to be a girl as…
Inspiration Friday: Fall Foods
Mmm fall foods. I think yes! With only a couple weeks left of fall, {in my word winter begins December 1, obviously} there’s not much time before everyone’s mind turns to Christmas cookies and ginger bread men… so here’s a few ideas to leave off fall with a bang! {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}
Inspiration Friday: Fall Crafts
O my goodness, it has been forever since I have done one of these! Ah! Well now that we’repast that whole “first trimester sickness” silliness, I’m glad to say I’m finally getting back into my blogging routine! Yeay Even though we are sadly nearing the end of fall, I still wanted to sneak in a…
Inspiration Friday: Maps
Guys, I love maps. Like a lot I think it’s a genetic trait I inherited from my mother! Anywho, I love themes and decor that incorporate maps and would love to figure out a way to bring more of them into our home. Here’s some map themed spaces I’m lovin’: {1, 2, 3, 4,…
Inspiration Friday: Beach Party Ideas
It’s my favorite time of year! Yeay for summer While we don’t happen to have a beach where we live, I totally think beach parties are super adorable! Here are some ideas for a beach party without the beach! {If you know me at all, you know that those beach cupcakes are my favorite thing…
Inspiration Friday: Dream Home
It’s time for Inspiration Friday! A day late. Things have been crazy around here. We’ve started looking for our first home {yeay!} and that’s got me doing even more “Spring cleaning.” I definitely don’t want to be taking a buncha junk with us… especially if we can sell it While we search, we definitely have a…
Inspiration Friday: Cupcakes
I LOVE cupcakes. That’s pretty much all there is to this one {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}
Inspiration Friday: Princess Kate
So I’ve never really focused on an individual person for Inspiration Friday, but every single time I see a picture of the former Kate Middleton, I am just in awe of how gorgeous she looks. Of course I’m sure it helps to have a crap ton of money and to actually have a reason to…