One of the questions I see being discussed fairly frequently in my homeschool groups (and especially now that schooling is starting again for many) is the topic of how much, if any space should be dedicated to homeschooling. Obviously not everyone even has the option to set aside an entire room just to homeschool, but there are actually some very strong opinions over wether or not you even *should* have a homeschool room.
So the short answer is “no” you absolutely don’t need to have a dedicated room or even a dedicated space that’s set up for homeschooling. Some argue that having a dedicated space gets your mind ready and makes it easier to focus on schoolwork, while others think having one single space to do school is confining and a waste of money. Personally, I think it has to do more with personality differences than either set up actually being “right” or “wrong”
In our case we do have a dedicated room that I call our Homeschool Room. It has a wall of shelves that holds most of our books (yes, we have even more than will fit on these shelves!) It has four little desks for computers, a chalkboard, a little table, and other shelving and drawers to organize our materials and games. I absolutely love having a place where all those things can be tucked away, yet accessed easily. And when the kids want to spend time playing games on the computer with each other, I can shut out all the noise!
However, when it comes down to the time we spend learning and teaching (besides the online stuff) we do most of that in our main living space! It’s nice to curl up on the couch to discuss a new language or math lesson, and then the kids can go wherever they like to work on it. Science experiments happen in the kitchen. Bible and History are at the kitchen table. In a non-pandemic world we also do co-ops and playdates. Learning still happens everywhere, even with a dedicated space set up. 🙂
I absolutely think it’s beneficial to have a way to keep everything organized, but beyond that it doesn’t matter if you have a huge decorated space, or a couple small baskets tucked away out of sight. The beauty of homeschooling is doing what works best for your family and your personal preferences. Your kids aren’t lacking anything if your walls aren’t covered in posters, and you are not wasting money if you decide to create a specific place for them either.
Do you have s special room or space set up for homeschooling? How do you feel about how it functions?