Vintage Coca-Cola Crate Spice Rack

To be perfectly honest, when I bought this vintage Coke crate a couple weeks ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it… maybe organizing paints… maybe displaying it somewhere… but it was just way to lovely to pass up!



Then last Friday as I was baking something, and once again getting annoyed and not being able to reach my spices – it dawned on me that this would be the PERFECT solution! I had this crate with no purpose yet, and I’ve been looking for a big spice rack for a while.


I was ridiculously happy with myself for thinking of this {not trying to brag here guys – just amazed that it worked out so perfectly!} It was in pretty good shape, so I really didn’t have to do anything to it except vacuum out all the dust and yuckiness that had accumulated inside.



To hang it I used extra large picture hangers and just hooked them on the metal strip running across the back. Each one of those puppies is supposed to be able to hold up to 75lbs, so I don’t think we’ll be having any issues with them supporting the weight!



Be sure to use a level when you nail the hooks in {without the crate attached!} They are meant to stay put, and you to not want to have to try and adjust them!



As you can see the one downside to the hooks is that you can see them… but that was easily remedied by putting some spices up top – I chose the ones that “looked” pretty and that we don’t use very often. O and did I mention I juste happened to have the EXACT right number of spices to fill the slots and display four on top? I love when things just work out like that!



And here it is on the wall:



I love that you can see the “Coca-Cola” from several angles!





So that’s it! I have to say this is probably one of my favorite projects to date – I just love how well everything worked out. These crates are actually surprisingly easy to find… I had never seen one before until I bought this one, but after doing some research they’re often for sale locally and there appears to be several on eBay.


What do you guys think!? All I know is that I’m in love <3.



  • The spice jars can be found at Target – they are the Archer Farms brand
  • Labels were printed on 1 1/2″ round Avery brand “Booklet Seals” #5278

{Download Pre-Made Labels}

{Download Blank Label Template}





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