At the beginning of the month we created several freezer meals in an attempt to help out with our budget & meal planning (as I mentioned in the recipe for Baked Ricotta Sausage Penne). Before sharing the recipes we used, I wanted to make sure they actually tasted good… if we’d use them again or what we’d change etc. As we continue making & tasting these meals, I’m hoping to pass on the ones we liked/tweaked for others to enjoy. When I’m following a recipe, the modifications I tend to make are either to make it gluten free, or to make it easier… why add in extra work?? For example, a few weeks ago I was following a recipe and 45 minutes into making the sauce I realized I was basically making spaghetti sauce… that I could have probably bought for cheaper than all the ingredients this recipe called for – seriously?? So, I’m learning (& simplifying!) as I go, and maybe one day I’ll have this thing mastered. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Sweet Potato Chicken
- 1 Slow Cooker
- 6 drumsticks
- 1 TBS cornstarch
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 unpeeled sweet potatoes cubed
- 1 green pepper diced
- 1 red pepper diced
- 1 zucchini cubed
- ½ onion finely chopped
- 1 ½ cups Cookie’s Sweet Hickory BBQ or other fave BBQ
To Prepare as Freezer Meal
- When preparing this recipe, split all the ingredients between two freezer bags (It’s easiest to label bags before adding the ingredients). They don’t have to go in the bag in any certain order, but I will share how I added them:
- Add chicken & cornstarch in first, then shake the bag to coat the drumsticks.
- Next add the sauce, veggies, and salt and squish it all around in the bag to let everything marinate.
- Place bags in Freezer for up to 6 months
- When your ready to enjoy this meal, add frozen contents directly to slow cooker. Cook on high for 4-5 hours in the crock pot or low for around 8 hours.
To Cook Immediately
- Coat chicken in cornstarch and line bottom of crock pot.
- Add remaining ingredients
- Cook on high 2-3 hours, or low for 4-6 hours